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< rdf:RDF >
< rdf:Description rdf:about="9881" >
< dc:title >I/M/O Civil Commitment of D.Y.< /dc:title >
< dc:date >2014-05-05 10:02:09< /dc:date >
< dc:format >< /dc:format >
< dc:language > en< /dc:language >
< dc:identifier >A-42-12< /dc:identifier >
< dc:description >Is there a constitutional right to self-representation at a commitment hearing under the Sexually Violent Predator Act, N.J.S.A. 30:4-27.24 to -27.38?< /dc:description >
< rdfs:Class rdfs:label=" justice " >
< dc:contributer >State of NJ< /dc:contributer >
< rdfs:Class rdfs:label="1" >< /rdfs:Class >
< dc:contributer >Lewis P. Sengstacke< /dc:contributer >
< rdfs:Class rdfs:label="0" >< /rdfs:Class >
< dc:contributer >Robert T. Lougy< /dc:contributer >
< rdfs:Class rdfs:label="1" >< /rdfs:Class >
< /rdf:Description >
< /rdf:RDF >